St. Florian encourages its parishioners to participate in organizations in which we are affiliated. For more information about any of the organizations listed below, please contact the parish office.
Organization | Description | Contact |
Altar Society | The Altar Society helps care for items that Father needs for the altar, and pray the rosary for those who are deceased. There are both active and associate members, and the society is accepting new members. | |
Baker’s Dozen | Baker’s Dozen is comprised of approximately 60 women divided into three groups that handle the socials at the church, from set-up, cooking and baking, to serving, hostessing, and clean-up. Women and men are invited to volunteer! | |
Catholic Daughters | Catholic Daughters of America has a religious, charitable and educational purpose. Membership is open to Catholic lay and religious woman, 18 years of age or older, who love and support the church and the Holy See. Members are accepted and encouraged. | Mary Ann Monticue 724-423-2202 |
Cemeteries | The cemeteries of St. Florian, St. Stanislaus, and Forty Martyrs are administered through St. Florian Church. | Juanita Mizikar 724-423-2455 |
Christians Uniting | The pastors of the churches of Unity and Mt. Pleasant Township share a common goal of Christian unity. By creating an initiative for interaction, we hope to combine resources in order to reach out and develop spiritually in obedience to Christ. We are committed to understanding our diversity and affirming our unity. We seek to become a catalyst for sharing our Christian traditions so that we may learn more about each other and draw the best out of each other. | Father John Sedlak 724-423-4431 |
Choir/Cantors | New members are welcome in both the choir and as cantors. | Mary Jane Makar / Steven Makar 724-834-9017 / 724-837-6616 |
Festival Committee | The Festival Committee will be planning upcoming events. If you would like to help out, please call. Volunteers are always welcome! | Terry Jackson |
Kolache Bakers | Kolache is baked by a group of parishioners during the Easter and Christmas seasons. Watch the bulletin for details regarding sales of these delicious products. | |
Parish Care Group | The Parish Care Group visits the homebound, those in nursing homes, and hospitals. Cards are sent with a prayer included. Christmas and Easter flowers are taken to people during the holidays. | Carol Myers 724-420-5409 |
Prayer Shawl Group | Prayer Shawls are handmade by this group, blessed by Father, then given to people in our community who are ill. We gather on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m., for prayer, knitting, crocheting, and camaraderie. If you would like to join the group, gather your yarn and needles and join us. | Virginia Vahaly 724-423-2328 |
Preschool | Preschool for children four years of age is in session on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays offering a morning and afternoon class. Those who are three years old have sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. | Lottie Hirak 724-423-4437 |
Religious Formation | Faith Formation classes for children in preschool through eighth grade, Youth Ministry, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), Sacramental Preparation, and Vacation Bible School information may be obtained through the Faith Formation Office. | Dr. Joseph Dreliszak 724-423-5087 |
St. Vincent de Paul Society | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic voluntary organization dedicated to the sanctification of its members through serving the poor and disadvantaged. | Bill Back 724-205-4406 |